A space for Growth & Coaching

For Coaches

Welcome to CoachUP – the perfect solution created for certified coaches who want to turn their skills into a successful career without struggling to find clients.

I know what you are thinking… another business
                        programme promising things…

I know what you are thinking… another business programme promising things…

GrowthUP focuses on helping you getting started with your coaching business (side hustle or full time), while bringing opportunities to build experience, test and run pilots and boost confidence… and why not? Start earning!

Sounds cool? Keep scrolling to discover more about the Project..

Or if you are already convinced, apply now

This is for you if:

This is for you if:

You’re a newly certified or struggling coach

You’re unsure what your next step is to build your coaching business

You want to pursue the accreditation but struggle to find clients to build hours

You feel overwhelmed and unsure about your future as a coach

You feel alone in your journey and would like to be in a community of likeminded Growth-oriented people

You cannot invest a lot of money and time into different courses and options to host your trainings

This is not for you if:

This is not for you if:

You’re looking for a magic formula → it doesn’t exist

You want us to source you clients → You will need to put effort and work

You’re not ready to put in the work → You can be a great coach but you need a different set of skills to build a coaching business

You think you know everything
→ Then you don’t need us! We are sure you are going to be successful

About our


We created this programme after 2 years of having GrowthUP in the market while we observed:

  1. The struggles that certified coaches are facing
  2. The insane prices that are out in the market
  3. The lack of “all-in-one” courses

That led us to create a programme for coaches by coaches, by offering a 360o option to participants. Of course, the most important of all… the community created to support each other, grow all together and to synergise expertises.

CoachUP is for you as a coach the place to:

  1. Get relevant business trainings to set up your own coaching business
  2. Find a community, develop your coaching skills and test your ideas
  3. Create your program, product and host it online
  4. Help you build the hours needed for accreditation & develop your self-confidence

Let us summarise what you get:

Let us summarise
what you get:

Trainings to kick-start your coaching business

10 bi-weekly group coaching calls 90' for supporting your process of building and growing

Continuous offline support via slack channel

Basic branding materials created by our marketing expert

Space for your program and material on GrowthUP App

Community for Cheerleading and support

Ad hoc trainings from different experts in the market

Coaching hours for the accreditation

Workshop/Training opportunities to be delivered by you

Opportunity to test your trainings/ programs with the community

Promoting CoachUP and getting % of the deal

Possibility for Coaching supervision



Your people - Understand who do you want to work with and why & how to do market research

Create your Badass Offer - Where is you client and where your offer can help 3 - Social Media Content - Type of content & purpose

Showing up with confidence - how to be more confident in your sales and in general

Launching your offer & After launch - Type of content for launch, landing page, sequence for new clients

Opportunity to test your trainings/ programs with the community

Sales script & Objections - How to sell & handling objections

So why wait? Join our CoachUP cohort today and start making your dream a reality. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve success as a certified coach. This programme is made by coaches for coaches!

Objections & Solutions

"I don't have time for bi-weekly group calls."

We understand that coaches have busy schedules, which is why we offer flexible scheduling options. Our group calls are designed to be convenient for you, so you can choose a time that works best for your schedule. Additionally, our program is designed to be self-paced, so you can work at your own speed outside of the group calls through video records and a slack channel to post your questions and have offline support.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to invest in a coaching program."

We understand that investing in a coaching program can be a big decision. That’s why we offer a no-obligation consultation to help you determine if our program is the right fit for you. During this consultation, we’ll discuss your goals and needs, and provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about joining our program. Bottom line, if you are not ready to invest in general, maybe you can reflect how committed you are to make it work.

New cohort starting September/October 2023 - sign up


About our

What other coaches say about this program?

About our experience…

We have been there, felt lost and unprepared, and done that! We built the program based on our experiences and our struggles.

We have 1500+ coaching hours combined, we held 100+ workshops, we are all ICF PCC Certified, and have invested in coaching and trainings that helped us gain knowledge and experience to build this program.

We have a big network and can help you build one.

At the end of the program you will..

At the end of the program you will..

Know how to setup your coaching offers and kick-start you coaching business

Have overcome the first barrier where most of the coaches quit

Have confidence in your coaching skills and offers

Know how to create content to promote your offers and sell them with confidence

Know that there are ups and downs, but have a community to support you

Our unique process helps you:

Our unique process helps you:

Understand who you serve and how

What kind of content do you need and how to talk about your offer

Build your confidence by working as a coach

Improve your products with our support and community feedback

Publish your product

Promote and sell

Manage your mindset and thinking