And 5 ways you can do so while also building your coaching business

Blog Post CoachUP

When we started our coaching business, we had a very hard time within our “circles”. Not everyone in our lives supported us in our new journey of building something from zero.

Some people envied us because they never had the courage to chase their dreams or start a business, others on the other hand were worried about us and our “safety/income stability”.

Most people mean well; they don’t try to sabotage your mindset or purpose, but they do it nevertheless. That’s why you need to find your community: like-minded people with the same dreams, hopes, and ambitions. A supportive community can provide you with the encouragement, support, and advice you need to succeed.

How can you find or build your community while also trying to start your coaching practice? Here are 4 ways you can try:

1. Join online coaching communities. There are many online coaching communities where you can connect with other coaches from all over the world. These communities can provide you with a supportive space to ask questions, share ideas, and get feedback from other coaches. We have build one with our CoachUP Programme, and we would love to have you with us!

2. Attend coaching events. Coaching events are a great way to meet other coaches in person or online. These events can provide you with the opportunity to network with other coaches, learn from experts, and get inspired. Here is an upcoming event hosted by the L&D Shakers Community.

3. Find a mentor. A mentor is an experienced coach who can guide you and support you as you build your business. A good mentor can provide you with valuable advice and help you avoid common mistakes.

4. Offer free coaching groups. Offering free coaching groups is a great way to build a community of potential clients. Free coaching groups can also help you develop your coaching skills and gain experience.

Why is it important to build a Supportive Community when starting a coaching business?

There are many benefits to it. Here are a few:

If you are a newly certified coach who is starting your own business, we encourage you to start building a supportive community today or to join us in our CoachUp Community. It will change your journey for the better and help you continue, even when things are hard.

2 Responses

    1. Hello,
      Of course, as long as you link to our site/source material! Thanks for the nice words

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